Iceland Hexmaps
Last year I decided to start a new campaign. It lasted a few months and wasn’t bad. I was a bit over ambitious where I wanted to create a low magic Icelandic hexcrawl full of bad weather, Vikings, monsters, ice, fire and the desolate but hauntingly natural beautiful of Iceland.
At the time I didn’t know that Wolves Upon the Coast existed. If I had I probably would have used it.
I started off the campaign fairly strong with lots of northern/norse themed adventures. The players quickly became embroiled in the plots of several personalities they encountered, having to choose sides and deal with a particular evil Wizard that dogged them for almost the entire campaign.
Overall, I overestimated my ability to make content. I kind of planned to start off by running a published adventure or two set in the hexmap and then create more of my own content as the campaign went along and as they explored. Trying to keep one step ahead of them.
They’d travel back and forth between locations and I’d roll random encounters but it wasn’t a real hexcrawl in the sense that I only had a tiny portion of the hexes detailed. I was mostly just placing published adventures on the map and riffing off of what they did. Overall the campaign was a success and everyone had fun.
I did end up creating some pretty detailed hexmaps of Iceland and so am posting them here for anyone to use:
Here is a link to the fullsize versions: